"The Shot Heard 'Round the World"

Join Us for the Re-enactment on Lexington Green, 250 Years Later


Preparing for The 2026 Challenge

As we look forward to America's 250th birthday in 2026, we will begin to share PATRIOT MISSION's inspiring national message to honor warriors of the past, present and future. This private weekend event will plant foundational framework for our national outreach serving America's veterans through the end of next year.

Plymouth Colony holds many secrets on hallowed ground that are unknown to 99% of Americans. When you join us on this very timely and relatively short Patriot Experience, you will discover documented historical revelations that directly connect the Pilgrim's landing to our nation's first Revolutionary War battle on Lexington Green and 'The Shot Heard 'Round the World."

You and your spouse, significant other or business partner are invited to join us for an amazing weekend in the Boston region to participate for a series of special heritage events. You will enjoy very unique, small group experience and meet some of our nation's most knowledgeable historians. Our speakers and agenda are listed below.

Meet Our Historical Expert Speakers & Hosts

Leo & Nancy Martin of The Jenney Interpretive Center will lead private tours of the Forefathers Monument and local Plymouth landmarks.

Pastor Paul Jehle, Plymouth Rock Foundation President & world class historian will discuss connecting context from Plymouth to Lexington.

David Bradford, Plymouth Colony Governor William Bradford's 12th Generational Grandson will share The 1620 Experience & its impact.

Jerry Perera founded the Leyden Preservation Group to preserve landmarks that foster awareness of America’s National Heritage.

Experience Agenda

Thursday, April 3rd:

Arrive in Plymouth, Massachusetts

6pm-9pm: Registration & Welcome Reception

Friday, April 4th:

9:00-12:00: Plymouth & Forefathers Monument Tours

2:00-5:00: PATRIOT MISSION 2026 briefings, The Battle of Lexington Green and Governor Bradford's Perspective from Plymouth to Philadelphia plus Pre-Dinner Networking

7:00-9:00: American Landmarks and Heritage Program & Private Team Dinner

Saturday, April 5th

11:00-2:00: Lexington Green - "Shot Heard 'Round the World" - 250th Anniversary Reenactment"

4:30-6:30: Boston Freedom Trail walking tour of unique historic markers that tell the story of the American Revolution & beyond.

7:00- ??: Boston Common Dinner on your own & Pub Crawl (optional)

Sunday, April 6th

11:00-12:15: Old North Church Service; Made famous by Paul Revere; "One if by Land, Two if by Sea."

TBD: Travel Day

Register By March 24th, 2025

If you are an existing member, this Patriot Experience itself is included in your program fee. The only out of pocket expenses you will incur are travel, hotel accommodations, ground transportation and some meals on your own. Your membership provides for one or two people sharing a hotel room.

If you are new to PATRIOT MISSION and would like to join us, you may do so on a space available basis at the non-member rate below which includes the heritage program, private tour events, 3 nights waterfront hotel accommodations, special group dinner and ground transportation.

All you have to do is get to the Plymouth 1620 Hotel on Thursday evening! Our team will provide local ground transportation in Plymouth as well as travel to Lexington and Boston on Saturday. The Boston Long Wharf Marriott is close to Logan airport via water taxi, ride sharing or bus, which will make your Sunday departure easy.

Members - $1,075
Non-Members - $2,250

Take a Look at a Few of Our Past Heritage Experiences ...

WW1 & WW2 European Combat

American Fighter Pilots served in the Lafayette Escadrille prior to the USA joining the fight. Captain Hamilton Coolidge was shot down in 1918 and our team was invited to watch a formal reburial ceremony in a small French town with today's famous 94th Aero Squadron; "Hat in the Ring Gang." The WWI tour included visits to Belau Wood, Verdun and Flanders Field in Belgium.

Our 35 guests joined world class historians in the UK learning D-Day preparations and departed the White Cliffs of Dover to Dunkirk, Dieppe, Bayeux and Normandy. After discovering unique elements of the D-Day Landings, we continued to Paris, Battle of the Bulge in Bastogne and Luxembourg where General Patton is laid to rest.

Marseilles & Corsica WW2 Experience

Most people know of Operation Overlord and the D-Day Landings in Normandy. What is not nearly as well known is the invasion of Southern France which began in August 1945 as Operation Anvil or Dragoon.

Ten guests joined an expert historian who was born and raised in the south of France. We attended multiple historic memorials honoring fallen WW2 P-38 pilots from the 1st & 14th Fighter Groups and retraced their routes of flight with local French pilots. We met living members of the French Resistance and learned how they helped recover an American Ace. We traveled to the island of Corsica to discover where pre-flight invasion planning happened... and sampled amazing local wines!

Sailing into History from Key West

Imagine joining fellow Patriots on a 60 foot sailing yacht. Discover the unknown history of the turbulent times in the Florida Keys and how the establishment of Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas changed America's future.

On this very private experience, 6 guests joined an expert captain and first mate along with a gourmet chef who prepared amazing meals. In between private lectures on history and national security, we enjoyed water sports, swimming and unique Florida wildlife. This is the ultimate combination of relaxation, education and camaraderie!

America's Front Line Warriors

Imagine joining fellow Patriots poolside with members of the Blue Angels and the US Air Force F16 Viper Demo team. Get to know these young warriors and why they choose to protect America.

Meet former special operations warriors who participated in some of America's most secret missions as well as a TOP GUN Instructor who teaches our F22 Raptor pilots to own contested skies. Hear from the Marine who is the focus of an incredible moment in the Vietnam War.

Espionage Experience

Imagine Joining a Team of World-class Surveillance Experts Secretly Tracking the "Spy" Responsible for “Possibly the Worst Intelligence Disaster in US History.*”
* US Department of Justice

Espionage has fascinated Americans… going all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Throughout our history, riveting stories of incredibly brave intelligence operators taking on impossible missions have boggled the mind.

December 7th, 1941 - 80 Years Later

The 80th Commemoration will unfold in the early morning hours of December 7th to mark the start of that fateful day. In1941, the first wave of Japanese aircraft attacked Battleship Row at Pearl Harbor while additional warplanes knocked out air defenses at Oahu military bases including Hickam, Bellows & Wheeler fields.

On your 7-day journey, visit seminal sites of the War, seeing its impact and remnants. Hear from experts on how World War II changed the world and how the attack on Pearl Harbor changed the course of the War.

Northwest Americana Road Trip

There is something very American about road trips. We started this one in Minneapolis, Minnesota and drove squarely into the Badlands of South Dakota. After stopping to see Mt. Rushmore and Devil's Tower of the Wyoming border, we moved into North Dakota and Teddy Roosevelt National Park.

It was a long hot drive in July to Custer's Last Stand in Montana but we had a welcome respite in the mountains of Yellowstone National Park, followed by the Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole, Wyoming. We then drove into Utah and had an amazing visit to a bird sanctuary near the Great Salt Lake. We covered an amazing amount of territory and learned a lot about our amazing heritage!

Churchill Experience in London, England

Sir Winston Churchill’s grand-daughter, Celia Sandys, has agreed to invest a full day with our members leading a historical outing to Chartwell, Sir Winston Churchill’s family home and garden about 20 miles outside of London.  

Celia will travel with us from London to Chartwell and join us for dinner offering extended Q & A to give us an amazing look into one of history’s most remarkable heroes. 

75th D-Day Commemoration Experience in UK & France

JUNE 6, 1944 - The world changed the moment young men stood for freedom and stormed the beaches of Normandy while paratroopers jumped behind enemy lines. 

Until you have crossed the English Channel in the dark, walked in these heroes’ footsteps, looked up at the cliffs imagining the machine gun nests mowing down your comrades… you can’t imagine what freedom is worth. 

Come with us and experience freedom like you never have. 

The Freedom Trail, Boston Harbor Yacht Cruise & Peak Fall Foliage*

Fall in Boston is a special time, at the peak of the exquisite color changes. The nip in the air reminds us of what it must have been like for the Plymouth Colonists and the early Revolutionaries to prepare for Winter. Not only did they fight oppression, they battled the elements. 

Freedom Trail experts led us in the footsteps of America’s Founders. We experienced key places where history was made including the Old North Church, the original State House and the site of the Boston Tea Party.

The 3-hour Boston Harbor cruise on a private yacht combined special speakers, breathtaking scenery and wonderful fellowship.  

Ronald Reagan Experience in Southern California

Dr. Larry Schweikart walked us through the Presidential Library, where he invested countless hours researching his most recent biography, Reagan: The American President

We learned things about the Reagan family few people know. During our time in Southern California, we traveled to the mountaintop Reagan Ranch, a.k.a. "The Western White House, " a special home that Ron & Nancy held dear. While in Santa Barbara at the Reagan Museum Larry gave a great introduction and offered deeper insight into America’s 40th President… and the experiences that prepared him for the presidency. 

We wrapped up the weekend on a VIP backlot, private tour at Warner Brothers Studios where Reagan made his films.