What is the bottom line up front?
Here's the benefits summary of what you get as 1 of 250 Big American Voices through Dec 31st, 2026 which has a total value of $42,500.
What is the timing for the 3 Phases?
What is the program fee to join the Team of 250?
How you define PATRIOT?
Noun - a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
Is this a political or religious organization?
No. We are a private organization that does not endorse political parties, candidates or ballot initiatives. In the same way, we believe America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, but we are not a religious organization. This is a historical fact which can be verified with basic research.
Our focus is to educate and influence Americans to learn the truth of free market economics and history as it relates to our constitutional republic. Ultimately we want citizens to make their own choices based on factual evidence and personal experience. We encourage our members to freely state their opinions and perspectives.
Help me understand the value of the book, the national series and my role in publishing it?
Some of our 250 team members are published authors. The purpose of this book is twofold. First, to create a first-class, revenue generating product for you that integrates your mission and pursuit of the American Dream to promote your story in your exclusive vertical market, home state and to generate potential speaking opportunities. In collaboration with multiple bestselling authors and writers, we will integrate your story to illustrate an inspiring perspective on American Freedom.
The second purpose is to the book as part of a massive, national campaign promoting The 2026 Challenge. Your role is primarily to complete the interviews, review / edit your segments in the book and collaborate with designers on your title and artwork.
I am petrified of public speaking on a stage, can I focus on podcasts or media interviews?
Yes. The Big American Voices platform and booking support is flexible; built around your preferences.
How will the Public Relations, Media and Social Media promotion work?
The primary goals of this project are to help you scale your voice and promote your mission. Each element of the media promotion is built around your needs which will be part of the capture process.
What is Small Business HONORS?
Small Business HONORS is PATRIOT MISSION’s internal corporate philanthropy program. AVIATION WARRIORS is a subset of that program designed to support America's military airmen, past, present & future.
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